How to Get Rid of Ants in Your Home

How to Get Rid of Ants in Your Home

As soon as you see them, you want to get rid of ants that show up in your home. Even if it is one lone scout, that one ant will return to the nest and bring an entire army to invade your space. Identifying the ants and the likely reason for the invasion can be the two vital keys to getting rid of ants in your home. Ants may be beneficial to the environment, but they do not make good roommates. Take these three steps to get rid of ants indoors.

Step One: Identify the Ant

Different ants have different habits and different needs. You may be able to identify the ants in question with the help of your favorite Internet search engine. Identifying the invaders may require the experience of a professional pest control expert. Once you know what kind of ant you are dealing with, then you can prepare a plan to take back your home.

Step Two: Why are They Here

Depending on the ants, your home may offer the invaders a source of food, water or their own secure domicile. You will want to eliminate whatever resources the ants are finding in your home. Make sure that all food is stored in sealed containers. Check for moisture issues around the house or under the house since some ants prefer damp locations for building their homes. Clean around the inside and outside of the house to eliminate any traces of food or other ant-friendly items.

Step Three: Kick the Ants Out

You can get rid of most ants by eliminating their resources, but some will be inclined to hang around no matter how much you prepare or clean. You need to locate the nests of these determined invaders first. After you have located the nests, they need to be removed. Use a vacuum to suck up the ants and then dispose of them in a location far away from the house. Keep in mind that even if you poison the ants, you will still want to remove the mess that is left afterwards.

Additional Tips to Help Get Rid of Ants

Keep debris, wood, and other items away from the foundation of the home. You should clear leaves and other debris from around the eaves, the window edges, and the doors. Keep garbage cans and other disposable items away from the house. Put all foods in containers that are airtight – for added measure while you get rid of the ants, consider keeping all food items in the refrigerator or freezer.

The ants may be coming one by one – but you are just three steps away from sending them back out the door. Knowing what kind of ant is invading will be the first step in determining your actions. Once you identify the culprit, you can take the steps you need to get rid of them. 

Best Ways to Get Rid of Ants in the Kitchen

Next to bathrooms, kitchens are probably the busiest room of any house or apartment. Unfortunately, kitchens are also a target for many tiny visitors that you probably don’t want. Why are they arriving, like unwanted relatives invading your peaceful home? Here’s information on the best way to get rid of ants in the kitchen.

With the busy schedules of summer, sporting events, and other activities, you may be inviting them in by your habits – or by relaxing previous habits of cleanliness. Are there dirty dishes left hurriedly in the sink, when you used to rinse them and put them inside the dishwasher right away? Leftovers are an open invitation to guests, and ants will “sniff” those out quickly, especially if the leftovers are sweet or sticky treats.

Sometimes, we get so busy during the summer, that the regular chore schedule slips, and vacuuming doesn’t happen as often as it should. The ants are watching, and they notice if there are crumbs left within easy reach! They communicate well and work well together to reach an objective that will benefit their colony, so watch the crumbs by Fido’s dish or the toddler’s treats that didn’t make it in the tummy.

If you’ve just spotted a few ants, watch them closely, because they are the ones blazing a trail for others to follow. You may even discover their entrance areas, and can caulk cracks or fix holes where they are entering before the rest of their crowd follows.

Ants are very organized, and will follow the same trail to get to their destination. When you get to the steps of scrubbing everywhere in the kitchen, pay attention to these trails and give them a thorough cleaning. Pay attention to vacuuming under the cupboards, and even inside cupboards that may contain food items.

Air tight containers are especially important during the warm weather months. Keep sweet cereal and other tempting items sealed inside a container, and the ants will be less likely to find them.

These are all prevention methods that you can control inside your home. Once there is an infestation of ants, however, the challenge should be left up to the professionals. Keep in mind that these tips are for the common ant, often called the sugar ant. The more destructive carpenter ants are a different breed and need tougher methods to eliminate them.

A qualified pest control specialist will identify the type of ant and recommend the right solution to get rid of those ants in your kitchen. Contact Rush Pest Control now to get an estimate and schedule a visit!

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