You clean your bathroom to the best of your ability and smile at how gleaming and spotless it is. Then you see it. It’s small, has many legs, and just climbed out from behind your toilet.
War for the Bathroom
A tiny critter has invaded your space. But what is it? The truth is, where there is one, there are sure to be more, and it is high time to put an end to it before you are overrun.
To know how to handle these intrusive creatures, you must first identify them. Not all bugs die by the same means, with the obvious exception of a large shoe. And sometimes, even that doesn’t work.
Knowing exactly what the little bugger is will help the exterminator determine the best way to deal with the infestation.
The top culprits of this distressing invasion are:
- Roaches
- Pharaoh Ants
- Centipedes
- Spiders
- Silverfish
Each is there with a purpose, but each also poses a threat in its own way. Roaches never travel alone, ants report back to the nest when they find a good food or water source, and silverfish are just plain creepy. Let’s look at some other ways to identify your tiny invader.
Though they are rarely seen due to their nocturnal nature, centipedes are instantly recognizable by their many (15-177) pairs of legs. They are long-lived creatures that can spend years in your home without you realizing it.
Centipedes are yellowish-to-dark brown and can often have stripes or markings on their body and legs. They range from an eighth of an inch all the way up to six inches in some cases.
They also have small mouths with large claw-like structures containing a venom gland. Because of their venomous nature and long lifespans, centipedes should be dealt with quickly if spotted. Don’t hesitate to call an exterminator if these little critters pop up in your bathroom.
Pharaoh Ants
Pharaoh ants don’t nest in underground burrows but prefer warm, moist places to create their home. They hide under and behind anything not glued down and sealed with caulk or putty.
They look yellow or brown, with a dark rear segment, and are the size of a fire ant. They are called Pharaoh ants because it is thought that they originated in North Africa (and were one of the original biblical plagues – this is a misnomer, however).
Carpenter Ants
Carpenter ants, on the other hand, as their name would imply, are more prone to make their home in wood, specifically wet wood. They are also drawn to the humidity and moisture found in the bathroom.
They look black, brown, or red and can sometimes have wings. And unlike termites, they don’t eat the wood, but instead discard it, leaving a trail of sawdust (wasteful little buggers that they are).
If your skin is crawling right now, then you have probably dealt with these devils a time or two. The most likely roach to be in your washing space is the common cockroach. Their look is unmistakable.
They love sewers and drains and are drawn to decay. When you shower, skin flakes are washed off, and they decay in the drain, creating the perfect roach buffet.
They love warm, moist spaces, and bathrooms fit that bill to a T. Before they become a significant problem, you do have a way to keep them at bay. Cover drains as often as possible and clean them when you can. Hot water and soap don’t kill them, so don’t waste your time. They are impervious to most insecticides. Professional intervention is your best course.
More of a kitchen bug, silverfish do manage to find the bathroom on occasion. They are attracted to mold. If you have neglected your bathroom or missed a corner when giving it a thorough scrubbing, the warm, moist mold is what they crave most. You will often see them around drains, as that is their perfect place to nest.
Silverfish have small, elongated bodies with three tails. Some people mistake them for earwigs. They have an antenna on both ends of their body and six legs near their head. In a word, they are creepy to look at, but they are not social. If you see one, they are most likely alone. And they love carbs, specifically sugars. Keep an eye out for them, as their presence can indicate water damage somewhere else in your home.
Spiders can also be found in the bathroom if the conditions suit their needs. They can be helpful, but no one wants them around. It’s somewhat like hiring a snake to get rid of your mouse problem. They like to hang out in the bathroom to prey on the other bugs that find this warm, moist place home.
Spiders like the heat but don’t need much moisture, however they appreciate how the heat and water attract their food, so they don’t have to work for it. Spiders are less likely to make a web in a bathroom unless it is in the darkness under the sink. If you find them in your bathroom, there are likely other pests there for the hunting.
Get rid of those pests once and for all
If you have a problem with pests, you are not alone and are not entirely unarmed. It is time to make a call before the situation gets out of your hands.
Pest Patrol is the professional exterminating service that is ready to join your battle against the tiny invaders. We have the tools to rid your home of every pest and do it efficiently and safely for you and your pets.
If you are having problems with pests in your bathroom, or maybe you just saw one and fear there might be more, give us a call right away. You need to get ahead of an infestation, not try to catch up after you are overrun. Rush Pest Control has the experience and know-how to get the job done right, once and for all.